Sunday, June 14

What a day 13/06/09

This is one day that I will never forget. I probably won't be allowed to forget this day, but let's hope to God that that factor gets kicked out of the equation. Yesterday gave me a new perspective on life. I don't know if I am just saying this now, or if I am trying to make my self feel better, but are looks everything? I sure do hope to God they aren't.

I realized that I have too much fun for the last time. I have had too much shughal. Maybe its something that I said somewhere that's come up to bite me in the ass. Hopefully, the scar will heal in 7 to 10 days, or so this article suggests.

Its quite odd going out and looking at people staring at you, people who have seen you almost everyday for the past 6 or 7 years, and see the un-asked questions in their eyes. Its quite demeaning, honestly. Why don't these people just ask me about it?

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