Saturday, May 22

Who's YOUR daddy?

Today I realized I have awesome friends. I was going through my desktop junk and I found this.

There's way too many people missing. Which gave me the idea that I can try and Photoshop them into the picture which reminded me I can Photoshop which somehow reminded me I need to bug my dad to buy me an HD Camcorder. Which seems highly unlikely. I'll be lucky if he lets me keep my drums now.

I should really be studying right now. I have an exam in 5 days and guess what? I have yet to start studying for it.


Edit: More Desktop Randoms to follow.


nuclearbattery said...

you call us desktop junk :(

Whenever I die Asad, you can have all the money in my bank account and buy yourself a camcorder. I shall leave it in my will.

Asad Khan said...

Well that picture. But now that you mention it..

And please do. Thank you very much.